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Bialystok description, location, history

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Bialystok in Poland

53.132 N    23.169 E
Map of Poland - Bialystok in Poland


city or town

Podlaskie voivodeship
Białystok poviat
Białystok commune

Information about city

Bialystok description
Bialystok pictures
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Bialystok map

Elevation 163m
Area code 0-85
Car plates BI
Area 102.0 km2
Population 295000
Postal codes 15-001, 15-002, 15-003, 15-004, 15-005, 15-007, 15-008, 15-013, 15-014, 15-016

Tabele kalorii

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The Branicki Palace - Bialystok The Branicki Palace
The Lubomirscy Family Palace - Bialystok The Lubomirscy Family Palace
Stanislawa Maczka Street - Bialystok Stanislawa Maczka Street

Bialystok description, location, history

Białystok is the capital of Podlaskie Voivodeship, the largest city of north-eastern Poland. Concerning population density, Białystok is the second-largest city in Poland. It was granted city rights in 1692. Białystok is situated in the area known as "The Green Lungs of Poland" and the urban green belt covers over 30% of the city territory.

Due to its location near the border with Belarus, Russia and Latvia, Białystok is the centre of trade with the East. Thanks to its specific geographical location, the city became the true cultural conglomerate. Today, five national minorities live in the city: Belarussian, Romanies, Tatars and Ukrainians. It is the largest Orhotox community in Poland, as well as it is the centre of the Protestant, Muslim and Buddist organizations.

One can find here Branicki Palace, numerous Orthodox as well as Catholic churches (with the oldest Neogothic St. Fara Church). Białystok is surrounded by numerous areas of unique natural assets, among these are: Białowieża National Park, Narew National Park and Biebrza Valley Marshes.

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