Poland map with photos - Katowice in Poland - 3 Maja Street. Map, city plan, index of streets, photo gallery, tourist attractions.
Katowice map contains the accurate Katowice plan, streets, satellite photographs and the search engine of addresses. It is possible to show Katowice pictures after clicking on the blue icon Gallery of photographs on the map of Poland.
Search engine of addresses on Katowice map:
In order to find the town one should enter its name in field City or town and click on the button Show on the map. If there are a few towns in Poland about the same name one should behind the name of the town write the postal code down, e.g. Olsztyn 42-256. In order to locate the exact address on a Poland map, in field a Street belongs to write the street name down, for example 3 Maja. Entering the street names is not necessary.
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Tagi: 3 Maja Street, Katowice - map, city plan, streets - Poland map, cities in Poland, tourism, travel, flight, airport, Katowice map, pictures, accommodation, hotel.