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Zakopane in Poland
49.299 N 19.950 E
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The Giewont Mountain
Zakopane description, location, history
Zakopane is situated at the foot of the Tatra Mountains (800-1000 m), in the valley between Gubałówka Monutain (1123m) and Giewont massif (1909m). It is the most famous holiday and tourist resort in Poland. It is also winter sports centre and the starting point of the mountain tours.
The origins of the town date back to the beginnig of the 17th century. In 1754, the steelworks was established in Kuźnice. In 1870, thanks to Dr. Tytus Chałubiński, Zakopane started to become a well known holiday resort visited by the intellectual and artistic elite. In 1873, Tatra Mountains Society was established, and in 1903 the first High-Mountain Club was opened (STTT).
In 1920s, the town developed quickly and chaotically. In 1925, the great ski-jump was constructed on Krokiew. In 1933, Zakopane received town rights. In the years 1935-38 the lift to Kasprowy Wierch was put into service (1936)and the railway to top of Gubalowka was built (1937).
At the end of the 19th century, Zakopane became an importamnt cultural centre, visited or inhabited by such famous people as: H. Sienkiewicz, W. Orkan, St. Witkiewicz, S. Żeromski, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Jan Kasprowicz, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Karol Szymanowski, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz and others.
Zakopane is the biggest urban centre in the close surrounding of the Tatra Monutains and the big winter sports centre located within the limits of the Tatra National Park (from Sucha Valley to Mała Łąka Valley). Approximately 2-3mln tourists visit Zakopane every year.
Numerous sanatoriums and health resorts are located in Zakopane; the town also offers expanded accommodation. The Tatra Mountains are the main attraction of Zakopane.
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